I will be happy if we can get your comments about this (and even more if you can 😃), and if you still think we can do it to propose the general guidelines because we currently have no clue how to do it. Eventually this TransactionStatus will be used to commit or rollback the transaction. Step 2 is to to create the TransactionStatus object using the transaction definition I have created in Step 1. This object exposes various setter methods to configure the transaction accordingly. Even if we want to do it by ourselves, the transaction API in Hibernate reactive is not the same as the standard Hibernate API and there is no API to interact with the transaction manager. Step 1 is to create an object of DefaultTransactionDefinition.
7) For declarative transaction managament an additional framework to hibernate is necessary, FOR EXAMPLE Spring. We know that it's not the purpose of Hibernate reactive to implement such mechanism, but to the frameworks (Spring, Quarkus.) that integrates with Hibernate, as it was done for the standard Hibernate. 6) When using programmativ transaction management, everything which Hibernate needs to know ( 3)) can be written in the source code manually by the developer. One of the major issue developers are raising in the option to use declarative transaction management (using annotation) instead of programmatic. We almost refactored a full micro-service, re-write our own spring-data (generic repository) and it looks really good. We faced a lot of limitation using r2dbc and we wanted to reuse the large knowledge we already have around Hibernate. We are on the ongoing evaluation of hibernate reactive to replace our current software software composed of postgres-db+spring boot+spring data+r2dbc.